
Sometimes photographers like myself look at their work and figure out what they’re thinking about rather than vice versa. That is to say, sometimes we go out shooting without knowing what we’re looking for until we go back through our images. Recently, I was in Santa Fe and I found myself drawn to roadside memorials. I didn’t realize it at...

A few months ago a friend suggested that I check out Tara Brach, who teaches about meditation. This video popped up today and I found it to be very connected to our work on "All The Rage". [vc_video link=''] The focus of this talk is about becoming aware of our addiction to "doing". "Doing" is the opposite of...

Dr Turk on drugs from rumur on Vimeo. When we interviewed Dr.Dennis Turk, the director of pain research at the University of Washington, for our film “All the Rage” he pointed out two very important facts about drugs to us. The first is that for every dollar that a drug company spends on advertising it sees somewhere in the...

***this piece has been expanded since first being posted last night (aug 29) This morning I got an email from a friend who had seen our film "Who Took Johnny", which focuses on a mother's 30 year fight to get justice for her missing son. The subject of the email was, "Rotherham UK", and the email said, "U seen the story?"...

My good friend, and filmmaking partner, David Beilinson challenged me to the ice bucket challenge.  I am of course pleased that this example of social viral action has led to a huge outpouring of financial support for research.  There have been many people who have minimized the amount of money raised, but it is undeniable that it is significant for...

Though I grew up in a culturally Jewish household I don’t think that we ever went to a Synagogue while I was growing up, except for a single Bar Mitzvah.  We didn't really discuss much about the ins and outs of religious holidays or rituals, but we did have the big book of Jewish Humor and the Woody Allen collection...

The link for this post was broken so we have re-posted Last week I heard on BBC radio that the National Health Service in England is instructing doctors to prescribe self-help books. The radio presenter seemed a little aghast at this idea and pressed a doctor by asking something along the lines of, “So you’re saying that you think that people...

My family returned from our yearly visit to my wife's parents in Santa Fe last night. When we arrived home, the pool was a mess, and one of the thermostats for our AC had decided to die. I stayed up a bit late trying to shock it back to health to no avail. Thankfully I slept well,...

Just before sitting down to meditate the other morning I read a couple of sentences about the truly evil actions that ISIS is taking in Syria and Iraq. We’re talking about torturing children, and holding up severed heads while smiling. As I lay on the floor I couldn’t help but think about the disconnect between the calmness that...

recently I have been posting pieces about friends that inspire me. I think that Tim is an amazing song writer who is woefully unheard. Please grab one of the videos below and share it. Let's get Tim some listens. I met my friend Tim Simmonds the old fashioned way; through a band flier posted on the street. ...

My partners and I have been making, and distributing our own films for 20 years, so people often come to us for advice about how to get their films seen. Unfortunately, I’m not the best person to ask because we don’t always make the best decisions. Like all artists we struggle with getting our work past gatekeepers like...

We have written about the relevance of Dr. Nadine Burke Harris' work a number of times on Rumur. She's the San Francisco-based doctor who realized that a good deal of the time, she was treating the symptoms of stress in her high poverty patients. When she began to practice with an understanding that her patients' stress was a causative factor...