blackandwhite Tag

I went for a walk in the meadow with my kids today.  They did not go willingly.  It is difficult to convince them to do almost anything, but once they got out there they had a good time.  My older daughter brought her lomo camera with a fish eye lens.  It was interesting for me to view the meadow through...

Over the last 3 months I have walked in the meadow behind my house almost daily.  I usually go in the early morning or the late afternoon, mostly because of the light.  Today I went a little bit late, after the sun had set for the most part.  After having been in the city for nearly 30 years it's interesting...

[caption id="attachment_24281" align="aligncenter" width="1432"] a shot out of the window of 224 Ave B- the building I moved into that was heavily featured in Ken Schles' "Invisible City"[/caption] One of the major rules of filmaking is “show, don’t tell”.  We are visual people by nature and when we hear facts they stick on one level, but they don’t affect us as...