Author: Michael Galinsky

Last year at around this time I wrote a post about our efforts to get our previous film "Who Took Johnny" seen. There are similarities between that film and "All The Rage" in terms of public interest in the character/story/film and the realities of distribution that we have to deal with. Since I covered so much of the same...

This morning we went to a mediation service at a local buddhist temple. It was only our second visit. I did not grow up going to synagogue or church. At camp we had quaker meeting. It was mostly silence, and despite my boy like fidgety nature I actually kind of liked it. My father was deeply cynical about...

This morning I tried to go back to bed after driving my 11 year old daughter to school. Despite my heavy eyelids, I had trouble going back to sleep because once I get under the warm covers I start to write. Often, I ruminate on several different ideas and themes and then I struggle to make sense of how...

Last weekend someone sent me a short video about “earthing”, or “grounding”. The idea is, like electrical appliances, our bodies need to be grounded to avoid holding onto concentrations of electricity that cause shocks, and inflammation in our bodies. We certainly conduct energy. Anyone who has every rubbed their feet on a carpet in order to build up a...

Cathryn J Ramin's heavily researched look at the back pain industry, "Crooked: Outwitting the Back Pain Industry and Getting On the Road to Recovery", is painfully satisfying to read - especially for people who have struggled with back pain and the surgeons, pushers, and needle jockeys that profit from it. Ramin's book is framed by her personal journey to...

post by Michael Galinsky and Suki Hawley In the mid 18th century, before the world knew about germs, a Hungarian doctor named Ignaz Semmelweis worked in an Austrian hospital where the death rate of women giving birth was 13% because so many were dying of fever after birth. At a nearby midwifery, the death rate was only 2%. Semmelweis began looking...

Last night my wife noticed a red spot around my left eye. It didn't bother me at the time, but I woke up in the middle of the night and felt that it was tight and starting to itch. I had a little bit of trouble falling back to sleep- not so much because of the itching, but just some...

I had trouble sleeping last night. I wasn't lying in bed wide-awake but instead, despite my tiredness I found myself restless, falling in and out consciousness but not really falling asleep for a couple of hours. I eventually got up and took a long hot shower which helped me to finally fall asleep. From time to time I'll have trouble...

When I fly I try to get a window seat because I love to shoot photos from the plane. I particularly appreciate it in the winter because I like to make abstractions from the landscapes. I shot these on the way to the Big Sky Docunentary Film Festival in Montana. I updated it to add new ones from a trip...