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This morning I had a dream in which I was driving but I could barely see over the dashboard and I couldn’t reach the pedals. I had taken the car out of park and I was slowly rolling backwards in a parking spot. I experienced a mild sense of terror that the car was going to hit something, but I...

This morning my wife and I were talking about how people have a tendency to go down the same paths and repeat the same patterns even though we know what a mistake it can be. The unknown can often feel dangerous even though it also contains the possibility of freedom. As we talked I asked her to picture a crossroads. As...

Last night I went to see Geoff Dyer talk about his Winogrand book at Duke. It was a very interesting talk- during which he focused on a set of images of women walking together- as if they were the same women years apart. When I did my mall project I had a crappy camera and an even crappier lens (I...

This morning as I set out on my ramble through the meadow, I was thinking a lot about judgement and empathy; more specifically about how judgement stifles communication and empathy facilitates it. Think for a moment about how difficult it is to talk to a parent, a teacher, or a boss when you know they are searching your words for...

There is no doubt that we are in a time of outrage and upheaval, much of which is facilitated by the media and it's cousin, social media. This is not a statement of blame, but instead, awareness. I believe the real culprit is an asymmetry in power that the culture can no longer bear. Black Lives Matter, #Metoo, and other...

Last week we had a screening of "All the Rage" in Denver. We worked with Dr. Mark Strom - who studied with Dr. Sarno - to do Q and A in order to get press for the event. The extremely well-regarded Westword writer Michael Roberts interviewed Dr. Strom and ran a great article on the day of the screening. After...