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"I have to say it’s ludicrous to suggest Dr Sarno is responsible for pain being viewed as biopsychosocial these days. This truly misrepresents the facts and the decades of scientific research culminating in this conclusion. Where was Dr Sarno when Melzack and Wall developed the gate control theory in 1965? That is factually when the idea of bio psychosocial came...

Cultural blindness in regards to the power of our emotional responses to the world is often stunning. This blindness can involve deeply unconscious patterned behavior that includes fear, anger, sadness, much of which is repressed- and therefore not fully recognized. When we refer to someones' cultural blindness it does not necessarily imply "blame", but when presented with it, people tend...

This morning, Vox published an article about Dr Sarno that I was quoted in. I was so disturbed and frustrated by the title, "America’s most famous back pain doctor said pain is in your head. Thousands think he's right,." that I did not post the article to our Facebook page. Instead, I wrote to the author requesting that they re-visit...

Yesterday the NY Post published an article about the films, "Five Foot Two" which chronicles Lady Gaga's struggles with pressure and pain, as well as Jennifer Brea's film "Unrest" which focuses on her battle with the effects of "chronic fatigue syndrome". The article is called "When You're in Constant Pain and Nobody Believes You." It's a somewhat sensational title that...

All the Rage - Trailer from rumur on Vimeo. On Oct 11 we are going to have the triangle area premiere of “All The Rage” at the Carolina Theater in Durham. After premiering the film in New York last November, it’s taken a while to get it on screen in our new/original hometown. Twenty-three years ago over Thanksgiving in 1994, we...