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Yesterday I was on my way to San Francisco to present two films as the SF Docfest. I happened to be sitting next to an older gentleman, Herbert Reichlin. He was reading the MENSA magazine and we discussed the letters section in which 4 different people had profoundly different responses to an article in the previous issue in which the...

I recently re-subscribed to the New Yorker. I hadn't renewed a few years ago because I had gotten overwhelmed by issues piling up on the back of the toilet. However, I came to miss the writing and the connection to what's "happening," culturally-speaking. When the 25 dollar subscription offer came for the 10th time, I decided I couldn't refuse....

Over the last couple of years, I have focused a lot of energy on learning to respond to situations rather than react to them. Our reactions are seemingly "automatic," but they are based on programming; on our learned experience and our genetic pre-disposition. For example, if there's a loud sound, one person might react with fright while another might respond...

Last year at around this time I wrote a post about our efforts to get our previous film "Who Took Johnny" seen. There are similarities between that film and "All The Rage" in terms of public interest in the character/story/film and the realities of distribution that we have to deal with. Since I covered so much of the same...

This morning we went to a mediation service at a local buddhist temple. It was only our second visit. I did not grow up going to synagogue or church. At camp we had quaker meeting. It was mostly silence, and despite my boy like fidgety nature I actually kind of liked it. My father was deeply cynical about...

This morning I tried to go back to bed after driving my 11 year old daughter to school. Despite my heavy eyelids, I had trouble going back to sleep because once I get under the warm covers I start to write. Often, I ruminate on several different ideas and themes and then I struggle to make sense of how...