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Last night my wife noticed a red spot around my left eye. It didn't bother me at the time, but I woke up in the middle of the night and felt that it was tight and starting to itch. I had a little bit of trouble falling back to sleep- not so much because of the itching, but just some...

I had trouble sleeping last night. I wasn't lying in bed wide-awake but instead, despite my tiredness I found myself restless, falling in and out consciousness but not really falling asleep for a couple of hours. I eventually got up and took a long hot shower which helped me to finally fall asleep. From time to time I'll have trouble...

When I fly I try to get a window seat because I love to shoot photos from the plane. I particularly appreciate it in the winter because I like to make abstractions from the landscapes. I shot these on the way to the Big Sky Docunentary Film Festival in Montana. I updated it to add new ones from a trip...

I'm on a plane right now, headed out to The Big Sky Documentary Film Festival in Missoula, Montana. A lot of people hate flying. I don't love being stuck on a plane, but I tend to get a lot done while flying - catching up on books or writing. Today I re-read Steve Ozanich's follow-up to "The...

Yesterday I was in New York to shoot a quick interview with Dr. Mindy Fullilove, author of "Root Shock." I first met Mindy when I filmed her meeting with Brooklyn community members who were fighting to save their homes in our 2012 documentary Battle for Brooklyn. Mindy's area of study focuses on the long-term health effects on people displaced via...

George Orwell was working with profound insight when he envisioned the “two minute hate” in his novel “1984”. When we are enraged, our ability to reason goes out the window; rage leads to blindness. It is hypnotizing and intoxicating; enraged people are much more susceptible to the power of suggestion, and more easily controlled. The more...