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We just went to NY for the world premiere of our film about Dr John Sarno, "All The Rage (saved by Sarno). We left from North Carolina two days after Trump won the election. When we went out in the city that Friday we encountered a number of spontaneous protests. First as we crossed Union Square a group of people...

I am exhausted today; just totally wiped out. I just got back from New York where we premiered our new film "All The Rage (saved by sarno)" at the DocNYC film festival. When I travel I do a lot of photographing- mostly with my phone- and the energy that I expend "noticing" the world is enormous. When I first moved...

Month One from rumur on Vimeo. A couple of days ago I wrote about getting whacked in the head by a tree that I was trying to cut down. When it happened, I thought about the words of Ram Dass, who asked that his hospital room be cleared out when he was having a stroke. Everyone was reacting to...

Untitled from rumur on Vimeo. The first class I took in college was "Theism, Atheism, and Existentialism", and the first book I had to read was Sartre's "Being and Nothingness". It took me all night to get through 3 paragraphs and I was so out of my league that I thought I might have to drop out. After a...

On Monday I went to the NC state fair and made a series of images. The following day I headed to New York to do the color correction for our film "All The Rage". I am happy to be living in North Carolina and I don't miss the day to day intensity of living in the city. ...

We came to North Carolina in 2013 and this is the 4th year in a row I have made it to the fair. The first year the whole family went. The last three years it has been just myself and Harper. Today we went with a couple of friends. As I did last year I shot...