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[caption id="attachment_19940" align="aligncenter" width="2592"] in the woods behind our house where we scattered some of Dad's ashes[/caption] This morning a friend of mine posted a video that I made for a song by my band Sleepyhead. It was a profoundly emotional experience because as time has passed both the song and the images have accrued a great deal of new...

[caption id="attachment_19934" align="aligncenter" width="1629"] Sander Hicks exhausted after a day of protest at the Republican National Convention 2000[/caption] 16 years ago I shot at my first convention. We were in Philly for the Republican shindig following around Sander Hicks who was in the process of re-publishing a discredited bio of GW Bush. We didn't think of ourselves as activists but...

heartbreak hotel from rumur on Vimeo. My friend Toby was telling me the other night that in high school he played bass in a band partly to get girls. It wasn't working out that well for him. After high school he had to make a decision - try to get girls by being in a band or by starting...

We all live in our own little bubbles. There's no avoiding it; it's just the nature of "culture". We can work to step outside them, but it does require sustained effort, and we often slip back in to these bubbles before we even realize it. Sometimes though, the information just flows so heavy and so strong that the...

Why Are You at Occupy Wall Street from rumur on Vimeo. My facebook feed is filled with a sense of resigned shock today. Brexit just happened and while I am connected to many people in the UK I an quite confident that none of the people that I know wanted Brexit, or even believed it was possible. I don't...

On Tuesday June 14th, 2016 I went to document a Donald Trump rally in Greensboro, NC. I heard about it on the radio that morning and immediately thought of my friend Jonathan who often works for Reuters. I figured he would be going so I hitched a ride. My plan was to shoot with the people outside the event, but...