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Yesterday I wrote about spring and "The Presence Process". Today I once again walked in the meadow and took pictures. It was cold this morning and there was a hard frost on the ground. As the sun rose it burned off the frost in moments. When I saw this I knew I had a short window of...

“I respond consciously to all my experiences” This is a mantra that I have been repeating each morning and evening this week. I’m on week three of the ten week “Presence Process” as outlined in Michael Brown’s book of the same name. I have been meditating in different ways for the past two years so I was somewhat prepared to engage...

[caption id="attachment_19550" align="aligncenter" width="667"] A Kathe Kollowitz image that hung in the hallway of my home while I was growing up.[/caption] My mother is fiercely independent and in the past this has caused us to have some conflicts. We once had a two hour “heated discussion” on the phone because I dared to check with her doctor to make sure...

[caption id="attachment_19505" align="aligncenter" width="1280"] painting by Missionary Mary Proctor, Tallahasse FL[/caption] In the story that I’d like to write, my interaction with my teenager would go like this, “Honey, it’s time for bed. Put down that ipod and brush your teeth.” “Can I just say good night to my friend?” “Right, its already a half hour past bed time- one text, that’s it....

When I walk in the meadow making images, I often try to find new ways of seeing the landscape. I find that seeking new perspectives visually helps me to think differently about everything else. As I took a walk the other morning, I reflected on the flood of reports and studies that confirm the importance of the mind...

David Bowie's video for his song "Lazarus" was released 3 days before he died. It's a tremendous song and the video is even stronger. Yesterday, facebook was flooded with personal memories of people who had been touched by Bowie and his music. His fame allowed him to reach through the electrons of media and have personal relationships with millions...