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I'm an artist who has spent the past 35 years making music, photos, and films. As you might imagine, I have made a lot of mistakes in 35 years of making work. Some of those mistakes were necessary and useful. Some I repeated more times than I'd like to admit. I didn't take a traditional route towards becoming a photographer/artist,...

Ever since I was a small child I have chafed at doing things the way in which they are supposed to be done. Perhaps this is genetic, or a mash-up between nature and nurture; though I doubt that it was intentional nurturing that kept me on this path. In fact, I am sure that this is not the case because...

Yesterday I wrote on Facebook that, "writing is inherently narcissistic". The post inspired quite a bit of commenting- some in agreement as well as some pushback declaring that instead, “writing is inherently empathetic”. I made a second post that declared, "writing is inherently empathetic… and narcissistic". The post was inspired by my work on a film about mind-body medicine. We are...

Last week we went to Iceland for a few days for the Reykjavik Film Festival. We had a couple of great screenings and we saw a few films. Mostly though I walked around and took pictures. ...

[caption id="attachment_18948" align="aligncenter" width="720"] Yo La Tengo at CBGB 1990[/caption] It's hard for me to fathom that it's been almost 30 years since my friend Gene took me to Hoboken to see Yo La Tengo at Maxwells. Last night my wife Suki and I went to the Carolina Theater in Durham to see them on their current acoustic tour. As we...