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We made a couple of narrative feature films in the 90's that documented the underground music scene. They were shot on film and they were hellaciously hard to shoot. In 1999 digital video cameras began to get produced, and the quality was great for documentaries, and freed us up from the necessity of working with a crew. We...

Last night my family and I heard an NPR marketplace piece about “The Fat Jewish”, a “comedian” who has become famous on instagram by stealing other people’s work and presenting it, without attribution or context, as if it were his own. I have been hearing about him and his re-posts of other comedians' work in the last few days...

A decade ago I got a painful sore on my side. When my intern saw it, she showed me a similar sore on her leg that she had gone to the doctor about. He told her that it was a Brown Recluse bite because there was a lot of tissue necrosis (i.e. dead tissue). It turns out...

Last night, I was looking for a trailer for one of our projects and I stumbled on a video that i put together for a song off of Sleepyhead's first Homestead album "Starduster". It's a super nostalgic video made from photos I shot in the early 90's when we were touring a lot in the US. Solid...

Sometimes the answer to a question is staring us in the face and we can’t see it simply because it doesn't fit neatly within our limited belief system. However, once that answer has been revealed to us, evidence of its validity seems to pour out of the woodwork; often times to such a degree that it becomes infuriating that...