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As we have worked on and written about All The Rage, we have focused a great deal on the role of our emotions in regards to both pain and our over all health. However we often lose sight of how our emotions interact with our intellect, defining our response to a given situation. Our emotions exist in relation to...

[caption id="attachment_18556" align="aligncenter" width="631"] Maps of the lymphatic system: old (left) and updated to reflect UVA's discovery. Credit: University of Virginia Health System [/caption] This morning a friend sent me an article about a "stunning new discovery". Scientists at the University of Virgina discovered that the lymphatic system, which is central to our immune response, is directly connected to...

It rained last night, and it's cloudy. My favorite time to take pictures in the meadow is when the sun is just starting to rip past the trees. When it's cloudy it's often hard to find things to photograph because the flatness of the light makes it difficult to separate the foreground from the background; everything is kind...

This afternoon while working with Suki on the first Act of “All The Rage” the home phone rang and I ran to get it. Our landline (well at least our Ethernet land line) gets almost entirely robo calls but the number was local so I grabbed it. A man launched in to his written spiel. (I’m using quotes...