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We are at the point in editing "All The Rage" where we had hoped to include both the ideas and words of Jonah Lehrer. As I detailed in this piece a couple of years ago, while doing research for the film I came across an article that he wrote for Wired called, "Trials and Errors: Why Science is Failing...

Broken Angel film - rough trailer from rumur on Vimeo. In the fall of 2006 I had been shooting what would become Battle for Brooklyn for about 2 years. The film is about a community trying to save itself from being bulldozed for a basketball arena and massive development project. The site was only a few blocks from my...

A couple of weeks ago I wrote a post about our upcoming theatrical premiere for Who Took Johnny, and explained why were taking the distribution path that we were. We opened it in Des Moines because there were a couple of things we needed in order to legitimize the film; press and audience. We got them both in...