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In honor of Greek Independence Day I want to post a bunch of pictures that I shot in Thessaloniki last week. I had such a tremendous experience at the festival, and I probably spent more time making images than I did meeting people and seeing films. Still, I managed to meet a ton of really interesting people, and got incredible...

Sometimes endless travel can start to feel like a fever dream. I left my home in North Carolina amid frantic preparations for my daughter's 13th birthday part and two days later I finally arrived at my destination. By the time I got to sleep I had lost track of how exhausted I was. A friend took me...

If you have ever lost anything of value you have probably experienced what I call "a hot feeling of regret". I see it as a cross between shame, anger, and fear. Your mind might simultaneously scan the past to figure out where and when your valuable item could have disappeared while also scanning the future for the various...

A couple of weeks ago I got an email asking if I would be willing to include a photo from my mall series in a show at a Williamsburg-based gallery. I was given a description which read in part, “The artists included in this exhibition have been chosen for how their work delves the socialization of space—not as something perceived...

I think it has to do with my general tendency to chafe against expectations, but I'm not so good at giving birthday gifts. It's not that I don't like to give things to people but instead, on some level, I find it uncomfortable to give gifts just because I'm expected to. Like my daughter Fiona (and my mother and my...