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[caption id="attachment_17833" align="aligncenter" width="681"] "Yellow Glove with Shank" -Lavar Munroe- from Area 919 show at the Nasher Museum of Art[/caption] I know both from memory, and reminders by mother, that I could be a real brat when my I was a kid. This knowledge give me a great deal of empathy for my parents, my kids, and myself. When my daughters...

The word responsibility comes up a lot when you have a 12-year-old daughter. It also comes up a lot when you're working on a movie about issues related to healthcare and emotions. The other day I wrote something about the relationship between poverty and asthma, which raises several questions about responsibility. These questions have both cultural and political implications. From...

Today there was an article in the Washington Post that discussed a surprising new study which found that it's not asthma and urban poverty that are linked, but instead, poverty in general. While the author of the article was able to surmise that living in poverty might possibly be a causative factor in regards to asthma, it completely missed the...

[caption id="attachment_17785" align="aligncenter" width="711"] a note card found on the floor at the airport[/caption] There are times that I read something that's of interest to me that don't really seem to connect until much later.  Other times, I'll read just a sentence and it will hit me like lightning, connecting back to something that I have read, sparking a new understanding...

This morning, like some other mornings, I listened to the news while taking my youngest daughter to school. My parents didn’t drive me to school, but they did run the news in the car at other times. I remember how overwhelming it could be to hear about this murder, and that war. They would also watch the local and national...

This morning, while driving my daughter to the first day of school after the holidays, I heard a story on the radio about how much our environment influences our habits, and as such, the role it plays in our addictions.  The story began with the discussion of the high rate of Heroin addiction among soldiers serving in Vietnam.  At the...