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On the way home from the burial of our friend Letha, I got a call from my old friend Tony Davis. I’ve known Tony for 15 years, ever since a friend suggested I get him to help me do some work on the falling down house we had recently bought in Brooklyn. Like me, and many of my new neighbors,...

Early in college I fell in love with The Clean. A few years later, I was in a band, and the first time we played a Clean cover "Thumbs off", the drummer Hamish at the show. We became friends, and later I played in The Mad Scene, the band he had with his wife. Last Month I got to see...

Death gives us lots of reasons to think about life. When someone close to us leaves this world, memories of our interactions bubble to the surface.   Last night, after a long illness, our friend Letha passed away. She had been in hospice for over a month, so it wasn’t unexpected, but at the same time, you never expect it. This...

  My wife and I signed up to be guinea pigs for the local dental school. First we had to get past a screening to make sure our teeth were messed up enough to qualify. They need people that have some issues or the students are just cleaning your teeth. We both had fillings that were slightly compromised, so we both...

We have two daughters who have very different personalities. One is way above average in the outgoing department. The other tends to try to disappear whenever she is confronted with new people. When we recently went to pick out two kittens, it was unclear if the girls chose their cats or the cats chose them. A grey striped cat bounded...