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I have been meditating fairly regularly since this fall. I have found it to be extremely useful in all aspects of my life. As I have worked on Story of Pain the last couple of years I have tried to point the camera at myself from time to time to document my own healing process. I haven't done it recently...

My cousin Ed brought his daughter Arianna to visit for my daughter’s birthday. Ed has had a very deep influence on my thinking. About 25 years ago we went for a run together and he talked to me about his study of the history of physics. He explained that as scientists get a deeper understanding of something, the science becomes...

Last year we did a series of videos for, New York Moments, that we are extremely proud of.  They didn't get seen as widely as we might have liked so watch them, blog them, share them, and make them go viral. The first one we made- on Jorge Colombo- the most amazing artist. This piece on my good friend Ruddy Roye...

When we look backwards and find that the unthinkable has become the norm, it creates a frame through which we can examine the present. By “the unthinkable”, I am referring to ideas that are either so embedded in our culture that they are like stenches that we cannot smell, or run so counter to the prevailing cultural way of thinking,...

After my crazy flight to Billings I got off the plane and started shooting. I won't go into details of the shoot as it's in its early stages. I shot pretty much constantly from 1 that afternoon until 1 two days later. Then I got on a bus in Billings and headed to Missoula. I got some great pictures on...

On Sunday I left home for a wild trip with an overpacked schedule. Within 24 hours I had traveled from Chapel Hill to Denton TX, where I showed a film, saw three amazing bands, connected with old friends and made new ones, slept for 4 hours, met a brilliant man on a plane, and came close to dying over Wyoming....