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Earlier this week my friend Tara posted a photo I took of her and a few friends and wrote. ALRIGHT. its my very first throwback thursday. cuz we were about to shoot this moving document 20 YEARS AGO today. Cynthia Nelson, Jon Cook, Jeff Mueller, T Sean Meadows, Michael Galinsky, Kristin Furnish-Noble and everyone else. Miss you people. Carry on...

For some reason, when we were kids my father would give us rasainettes on Valentines Day. He’d wrap them up in red tissue paper and hand them to us when he came home from work. We weren’t big on ceremony, but this was one tradition he usually kept. My younger daughter was excited about going to school today and giving every...

On their way to join the Weezer booze cruise the band Caveman stopped in Carrboro NC to play at the new back room at Cat's Cradle. The lead singer's mother is a good friend of mine, and former music teacher of my daughter's at PS 11 in Brooklyn. I went to the show and brought my camera. It's the first...

we are working on a film about the relationship between stress and pain. The film focuses on Dr. John Sarno. Jonathan Ames, who referenced Dr. Sarno's book "Healing Back Pain, on his show HBO "Bored to Death" is in the film. On Saturday I picked up his book "The Alcoholic". Last night after Phillip Seymour Hoffman had passed away I...

Today is my birthday, our birthday. My brother and I are 45. For the past six months I have been living in my childhood home with my wife and kids. It no longer feels surreal, and in fact, it is starting to feel like home. There are countless reasons that we came here. My childhood friends have children the same...