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On a Saturday afternoon in late September, I almost drowned.  On this warm fall afternoon, my friend Caroline and I had impulsively decided to swim across a lake.  It’s a big enough body of water that we had to frantically wave at several speedboats to make sure that we didn’t get run over as we crossed.  It’s one of those...

whirlpool take 2 from rumur on Vimeo.******* see note below **** I am like my daughter, or she is like me, in that I am less inclined to want to learn how to do things from others.  Instead I want to figure it out for myself.  Sometimes this is a good thing, because I can develop unique ways of looking...

To the handful of people that were paying a lot of attention to the Atlantic Yards fight it came as no surprise that Judge Marcy Friedman ordered the ESDC to pay Develop Don’t Destroy’s legal fees in relation to the lawsuit they initiated which called for the ESDC to carry out a supplemental Enivronmental Impact Statement.  Last year the Judge ordered the ESDC to perform the study and further ordered them to consider other developers that might be able to bid on Phase 2.  I think we all know that this won’t happen but at least the courts have agreed that it should. The case hinged on the fact that the original impact statement was predicated on a 10 year build out.  Develop Don’t Destroy called foul because the developer had publicly discussed a 25 year build out.  In court the ESDC said they believed it would only take 10 years.  Develop Don’t Destroy tried to submit documents showing that the ESDC knew this wasn’t possible but the judge mistakenly wouldn’t admit them.   Had she considered these facts its very likely that the arena would not have built. What’s most interesting about this is that almost no one covered it.  Of course Norman Oder wrote a short novella about it, and a couple of blogs picked that up.  Today is the one year anniversary of the ribbon cutting. Barclays Ribbon Cutting from rumur on Vimeo.

The greatest conundrum for me in regards to coming to the understanding that stress (a very broad definition of stress) plays a profoundly more important role in our health than the vast majority of doctors (and thereby patients) acknowledge, is that armed with this knowledge I am still struggling mightily to get over my own problems with stress induced pain....

Yesterday I wrote a piece about stress and illness.  In this article I focused on the role that stress plays in all areas of health.  When my mother read it she astutely responded, “Some issues I would want to discuss -- the need to be careful not to go so far to one side that the complexity of mind-body gets...

For years we have been working on a film about the connection between stress and pain.  Recently it has expanded to include the connection between stress and overall health.  While the film is about the science of healthcare, it’s also about social science - how ideas move through the world - and it’s about framing.  When a carpenter looks at...