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[caption id="attachment_24281" align="aligncenter" width="1432"] a shot out of the window of 224 Ave B- the building I moved into that was heavily featured in Ken Schles' "Invisible City"[/caption] One of the major rules of filmaking is “show, don’t tell”.  We are visual people by nature and when we hear facts they stick on one level, but they don’t affect us as...

I have been on an Instagram bender.  In the last week and a half, I have posted about 300 images, and I am happy with pretty much all of them.  I got a new phone in September and was introduced to Instagram a couple of days later by Ruddy, another parent at my kids’ school.  He happens to be one...

I imagine that I am starting to drive my friends crazy by constantly talking about how profoundly frames shape our thinking.  This morning my friend Kevin shared an Onion article that hilariously illustrates ways in which unexamined racism shaped our cultural viewpoint 50 years ago.  However, at the same time if one steps around the corner and looks at that...

Last week I wrote several pieces in response to the reaction to Jonah Lehrer's apology speech.  I published one, the second that I wrote, on my blog last week.  This is the first piece that I wrote. I was told by others that it was too related to our own work to post elsewhere.  As such I combined parts of...

This morning before school, I was talking with some other parents about a funeral for an 8 year old 4th grader that’s taking place tonight.   He died in a fire last week.  I spend a lot of time at the school, and know a lot of kids by sight but not name.  I think it’s pheromones, but when kids see...

  A year and a half ago, as Occupy Wall Street was just starting to take off after some crazy police brutality, I stood outside of a re-naming ceremony for the New Jersey Nets.  A couple of hundred press people had dutifully shown up at this press event to hear the exciting news that the team would now be called...