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In 2010 it is time for us, as a society, to take a hard look at the role of the news media in our political and financial systems. After 7 years of following the Atlantic Yards development project I am troubled by both the print and TV media's inability or unwillingness to engage in any level of real reporting on...

We are trying to finish our film "Battle of Brooklyn", and since my wife is the editor it has fallen to me to watch the brood. It's always a bit of a struggle to get my older daughter to leave the house. She's had some anxiety issues for a couple of years. Things had improved last spring when we unfortunately...

***this post is a bit unfinished- but I wanted to get it up before going out of town*** I have been writing in general about the stages that we all go through in life. The stages of my adult life have been clearly demarcated for me through my artwork. I can visually track the transitions through my photographs. I was a...

When I was working on the Transitions book with my father he referenced Erikson's 8 stages of life in his version of the introduction. We struggled with the tone of the tome, and I feared that his reliance on long standing studies and references to phsychologic fact would take away from the directness that I sought. It wasn't that I...

About 15 years ago, when I was transitioning from being a "musician" to being a filmmaker, I was having a very difficult time with my father. I loved my father deeply and in general we communicated really well. I was a passionate young man; passionate about music, about art, about opposition. I'm not exactly sure why, but I always despised...

Last week I posted a couple of hundred old photos of the early 90's NYC music scene on our facebook fan page. A lot of the photos had been seen before, and many of them were from my book, "Scraps", but only a handful of people had gotten a chance to really look through them as a group. The response...