There's a NY Times article today that deals with surrogacy. The main focus of the story is when to tell the kids- and the answer is early. Kids need to know what's going on....
As I mentioned in an earlier post, a current donor wrote in to the DSR Listserve with issues concerning contact with families that has used his sperm. I'll post his note here- and the response that I sent in to the Listserve.
I feel a great deal of empathy for both parties and this is one of the reasons that I...
Back to how to make this a film.
I ran into a friend the other day and I told him about how I was working on this film. For years now I have had a pretty clear sense of the first 20 minutes- so it's kind of easy for me to kick off- but then it spirals into the unknown...
Earlier today, I mentioned a speech that my father made at my wedding. My mother dug it up and emailed it to me. It's shorter than I remember and twice as prescient 12 years later.
I would like to share with you the secret of successful living -- filmmaker’s version.
Central casting has assigned you a role in The Human Comedy. You...
My wife and I (we've been married for nearly 12 years and I still don't feel 100% that I'm not just pretending to be a grown up when I write "My wife and I") just got back from dinner at this great performance/film/dinner venue in Brooklyn. As we left I texted the babysitter to let her know that we were...
Alana left last week to go to England to play some shows and travel through Europe. When she got to the UK her lack of return ticket gave the authorities pause- but only a little pause- within a few hours they'd stuck her back on a plane to ...