Last night i couldn't sleep because I kept having ideas about how to put things together. i got up and wrote a lot of it down and it still made sense in the morning....
Until my friend Lois brought it up, I really hadn't thought about having been a sperm donor for some time. Perhaps it drifted into a conversation every couple of years, but it wasn't front and center in my conciousness. As I write that I realize that some-possibly many DC (donor conceived) -people might be hurt by that- the idea that...
At the bottom of this post is an op-ed of sorts that I have written that relates to a film that I have begun to work on about the nature of family. I have been taking notes and talking to people about the issues but i feel like this is a film that can't really form in a vacuum- so...
Before Ted Geisel wrote about Green Eggs and Ham and The Cat in The Hat, he was in the army making short hype films. Thanks to noted film preservationist Dennis Nyback you can now see them...