More Pain Equals More Gain

I just saw this article on the front page of Yahoo.  This piece outlines the 10 most common reasons for doctor visits, from an investor’s perspective.  Where some people see pain, others see opportunity.  However, if one is looking through the mindbody frame the results signal an opportunity for relief.

Here are the 10 most common reasons the Mayo Clinic listed in its study for why people go see their doctor :

1. Skin disorders, including cysts, acne, and dermatitis. 2. Joint disorders, including osteoarthritis. 3. Back problems. 4. Cholesterol problems. 5. Upper respiratory conditions (excluding asthma). 6. Anxiety, bipolar disorder, and depression.7. Chronic neurologic disorders. 8. High blood pressures. 9. Headaches and migraines. 10. Diabetes.

Numbers 1,2,3,6, and 9 are widely understood to have a psychosomatic basis.  In fact Dr. Sarno first came to the conclusion that back pain might have a psychosomatic basis he discovered that the vast majority of his patients had a history of skin and gut problems as well as migraines, anxiety and depression.  The focus of this article is how to profit from these conditions.  There is no clear path to profit from psychologically based care, so it not even considered here.

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