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Often times when our path gets disrupted we react with distress. It can be easy to fall into a process of getting right back on our journey when our plans go awry. However, if we look at those bumps in the road as opportunities rather than obstacles to be overcome, we often see great value in these interruptions. Our perspective...

We are the filmmakers of a movie, The Commons, that screened last weekend at the True False Film Fest. Our film captures a small part of the important story of public protests and the successful removal of, Silent Sam, a Jim Crow era Confederate statue, at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, where we live. After the fourth festival...

I probably should not admit it, but I have not been to the doctor in 6 years. I’m healthy, exercise, eat right, cut my drinking to an occasional beer or two, and I do a lot of work to understand what’s going on with me emotionally. I’m admitting it because I have just been in the hospital ICU...

Sarno can't save you. His ideas and his work can point you in the right direction, but in the end, no doctor can heal us; they can only help us heal ourselves. The truth is, you can save yourself by shifting your perspective to focus a little more on your emotional health rather than just your physical health. When...