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I just saw this article on the front page of Yahoo.  This piece outlines the 10 most common reasons for doctor visits, from an investor's perspective.  Where some people see pain, others see opportunity.  However, if one is looking through the mindbody frame the results signal an opportunity for relief. Here are the 10 most common reasons the Mayo Clinic listed...

  Moral Monday July 15, 2013 from rumur on Vimeo. In Brooklyn, where we live, we keep getting overwhelmed with new projects which keeps us from finishing some long term documentaries that need to get done.  A couple of weeks ago my wife and I kind of moved our family to North Carolina for the year.  That is, we came down for...

For the last 26 years I have lived in New York (19 of those years in Brooklyn).  I grew up in North Carolina, and I'm spending the summer here.  Yesterday, after the Trayvon Martin verdict, I was lucky enough to have my friend from Brooklyn, Edgar, over for lunch.  We know each other from my daughters' school, where his nieces...

I’m a photographer.  I go through periods where I shoot a lot and fallow periods where I don’t.  I started out shooting film with a cheap Nikon and an even cheaper lens in the mid 80s.  Later, in the mid 90's when I was a bit burnt out, I got a cheap point and shoot yashica T4 and shot hundreds of rolls of color...

For years I have had intermittent anxiety dreams about houses upstate that feel so real and connected that in the in between space that one encounters before fully waking they seem to slip from my alternate anxious reality into this one.  I had one this morning and I was pulled in to this realm when I wondered out loud why...

Ever since the advent of photography the captured image has played a significant role in both our cultural and social spheres.  As the process of image making evolves, so does our relationship to images.  We are now at a point in the technological advancement of cameras that it’s almost difficult to make “bad images”.  With half the planet walking around...