From Howard Stern’s show notes 8/13/1999

Howard’s Appearance On Larry King Live. 8/13/99.
Howard was a guest on CNN’s Larry King Live TV show last night at 9pm. He was doing a favor for his favorite doctor, Dr. John Sarno. Howard has praised Sarno in the past for helping cure his chronic back pain. Sarno was the main guest on Larry King Live along with Howard, Defense Attorney Robert Shapiro, Rosie O’Donnell Producer Janette Barber and surgeon Patrick O’Leary. Howard called in from his home in Long Island to kiss Sarno’s ass a little bit. Janette Barber also praised Sarno for helping her cure her chronic ankle pain. Both she and Howard were really behind Sarno’s beliefs and made him seem like some kind of god. Robert Shaprio described how he’s had to adjust his life to avoid getting back pain and Howard really pushed for Shaprio to read Sarno’s book. He told Shapiro that he shouldn’t have to adjust the way he picks up luggage and that’s it’s probably all in his mind. No one on the show was there to disagree with Sarno so there weren’t any good arguments during the hour long show. Howard was still getting over his lost voice from earlier in the week but managed to hang in there for the full hour. He told Larry that he’d do anything for Dr. Sarno. Sarno’s latest book, ”The Mindbody Prescription : Healing the Body, Healing the Pain”, will be number 2 on the New York Times Bestseller list next week. Howard said it’s great reading for anyone suffering from back pain. Sarno also wrote ”Healing Back Pain : The Mind-Body Connection” back in 1991. This is the book that got Howard on his way to a cure for his back pain.

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