Doc Stories in the news

This weekend, the stories behind the stories of two of our documentaries, “Battle for Brooklyn” and “Who Took Johnny” are in the news in a big way. The New York Times reports that construction on the first Atlantic Yards residential building is a year behind schedule and wildly more expensive than planned. It also points out that the Greenland group is buying a majority stake in the project. What they don’t point out is that the Greenland group is a subsidiary of the Chinese government. So now the biggest beneficiaries of the project subsidies are Mikhail Prokhorov and the Chinese Government. A couple of weeks ago Prokhorov announced that he intends to move the Brooklyn Nets ownership offices to Russian in order to support Putin’s incursion into Crimea. Go Nets.

In other news, film director Bryan Singer was accused of raping and assaulting a young man in 1999. Byran Singer has nothing to do with our film. However, the idea that rich and powerful people abuse young people, and use their power to silence victims, is at the heart of it. The story is playing as a “he said he said” tale. It has been reported that Amy Berg, who made a film about the a pedophile Catholic priest that was nominated for an Oscar, is at work on a film about the situation.

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