03 Dec Letting go of Frames
We all have things that are particularly difficult for us to handle; our own challenges that are unique to us. I am a terrible organizer and having to organize things, be it bills, or negatives, or records, or books, can be very difficult for me. Given this challenge, the process of getting together all of the information and the details that are necessary to get out the rewards for our current Kickstarter campaign has been a heavy weight for me the past few weeks. Yesterday I struggled with problems dealing with books that were shipped to stores, and organizing the various excel files for getting out all of the over 800 books that need to go out this week. Part of the issue is figuring out the most efficient and cost effective way to get them out. Balancing out cost and ease of process can be difficult. Thankfully, we pre-sold enough books that we won’t lose money on the project.

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